- Bravepitt Zomi@facebook
The much hype celebration of Southern Manipur Gospel Centenary makes me sick, REALLY SICK. I wonder how we could celebrate such our blunder and misconception of Christianity. If we ever believe in the Holy Bible, there is no point of celebrating 100 years of our blunder. Well, I guess, you may think that Christianity had brought us a lot – it gave us education, religion, et al. Thanks to the pioneer missionaries that they taught us some sort of reading and writing. They taught us some medicinal healings and usages. However, that does not complete the whole story. They taught us to read and write 100 years ago but how many of us put to use our readings and writings to develop our society and people today. How many of us became officers or businessman due to that reading and writing taught to us 100 years ago. Even after 100 years of learning the wrong and right through the Gospel – the Holy Bible – we could not dare to identify what is right or wrong. Is this what we are going to celebrate! Even after 100 years of hearing the Good Gospel unendingly and almost everyday of the week, we could not give a helping hand to the poor and the needy. Of course, we do but with a price, that’s it.

Well, some of us became Officers of the Government but that too under the specific quota – the so called ST(SingTang) Quota. It’s a shame. How many of us dare to compete with others without availing that ST Quota. The moment we dare to compete without any specific quota, we would get respect from the other million Indians and we will be considering ourselves a true Indian. The goal of the forerunner of our educational system will also be thus achieve.

What had we to celebrate on achieving a centenary while we hate our neighbors, kill our brethren in cold blood, and envy of our friends and relatives? Christianity taught us to love all, to be righteous, faithful and truthful to one another and not to envy is one of the commandments. However, these qualities are a dream to us, not to found even in our Church Pastors or Deacons whosoever it may be. They are the most dangerous leaders in our society, I’ll tell you, they can do everything their heart desires (and not what God desire) in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

Looking deep into our society, I see no reason to celebrate this event. It is more a shame that after reaching the Gospel centenary our society is in such a sympathetic condition. Is it that we are having the most number of denominations in a single town or village that it is the fruit of the Gospel? Is it that we have hundreds of Church buildings in our locality? Or is it that we fight among ourselves for our denominational membership? We have reached the Gospel Centenary and it’s a big accomplishment, no doubt. But the present condition of our society is so pitiful to celebrate this event. Look into our political and administrative system. Can you dare to say YES ! this is it, this is what the Gospel had taught us, this is the fruit of the Gospel. Our social and political life is just the opposite of what the Gospel had taught us to be and to do. We lived in a land where wealth means everything, wealth means ruler of our society and church. No matter how and where you obtain riches, you are going to win over the heart and soul of our Church Leaders and Deacons, thus becoming one among them – you accept it or not. I’ll tell you, if you want to have a say in the Church you kill some rich man someday somewhere and take all his wealth, ‘God has forgiven your crime my son, come let us serve the Lord together and share your riches to the Church’. Huh! This is what is happening in our church. This is the structure of our so-called believers’ Church. This is the main pillars of our Church. Are we followers of Christ or Church?

Now into our political subject. Hopeless, none can compare our political system, especially our locality – Ccpur Dist. Our election system is one of such prototype where your vote be cast without your presence in the polling booth. Where 60%- 80% of polling was recorded on election without a single voter being seen in the polling booth on voting day. This is what the Gospel had taught us. Is this what we learnt from the Holy Bible or what the pioneer missionaries had taught to us. Our political leaders will invest their wealth during election. We have the right to vote but not the right to cast our vote.

My dear brethren, I am not against the Gospel or the Church, and I am not trying to confuse your mind. I am not an agnostic or a pessimist. But just emphasizing on what is happening in our social, political and religious life, which is not what the Gospel had taught and which is not to be found in our Holy Bible. This is not what the pioneers of missionaries had trained us to be. If Pu Watkins R. Roberts, Pu Lungpau and Pu Thangkai are walking today they will fast and lament for us for we have led a life against what they preached for and against the Holy Bible. For we dare not recognize the tear drops in their eyes and could not succeed in what they labored.

It is always better late than never. We still have some time to correct our systems and ourselves. If you and I dare not to leap a new footsteps for our society and people who will? Let the Gospel Centenary be a new dawn to our land, our Christian life and our social, political and religious life.

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  1. Gospel Centenary
    http://vaphual.blogspot.com/2010/05/gospel-centenary-hollow-celebration.html?showComment=1283200873255#c7074841056893272385'> 8/31/10, 2:11 AM

    For those who are interested: Video Recordings of Southern Manipur Gospel Centenary Celebration 2010 available at http://yurls.in/g100


  2. Unknown
    http://vaphual.blogspot.com/2010/05/gospel-centenary-hollow-celebration.html?showComment=1295239697464#c751982146981175984'> 1/17/11, 10:18 AM

    You were spot on. If people can think that our religion is humanity then there will never be any problems..

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  3. Ramanasri IAS INSTITUTE
    http://vaphual.blogspot.com/2010/05/gospel-centenary-hollow-celebration.html?showComment=1594976337652#c1337315690347025603'> 7/17/20, 2:28 PM

    I discovered extremely accommodating data on your post, a debt of gratitude is for imparting to your incredible information.
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